Bio n' Stuff

My name is, Princess of the Golden Light
No, I'm not lying... Well, not entirely
It's a translation of my first, middle, and last name, which are all Hebrew. My first name means "Princess" and my middle name, "Golden", which my parents knew their meanings. 

But they initially wanted me to be "The Golden Princess". Well, I did a little research one day on my mother's maiden name (which is combined with my father's last name, which gives me two last names *rolls eyes*). 

Anyways, I found out that it was Hebrew for "Light". I was stoked! I mean not a lot of people just happen to have an awesome translation of their name all in one language. You could say it's just a cool coincidence, but I like to think it's a sign of absolute AwEsOmEnEsS!!! (only can be expressed with UPPER-CASE and lower-case) :D...
 Okay, that was a long and boring explanation of my identitiy.

 A Little  Bit of Facts About ME (=
I was born in dusty ol' West Texas. 
I've never rode a horse, never was a cow-girl, and I definitely don't own guns.
I moved to Austin, TX recently in hopes to encourage my creative flow.
I'm shy, reserved, messy, unmaterialistic (except for my art supplies).
I love music, art, poetry, dancing, night time, the smell of rain, and sweet iced tea.
I have a tendency of finding faces and other characters on random surfaces and clouds in the sky...
I've very complicated.

*   *   *   *

I knew it was going take a GREAT person to want to understand me completely,

Someone with the patience of time and a heart as big as the universe.

And I fell in love with him.